Understanding User Intent Is Vital For Your SEO Strategy

Understanding User Intent Is Vital For Your SEO Strategy


User intent has a significant importance when planning your search engine optimization strategy. Understanding what the users are looking for is the key to building a successful sales funnel. User intent is what the user intends to look for and discover when using an online search engine.

The Three Major Types Of User Intent

  • Navigational. Here, a specific user wants to search, find, and visit a website. The user will type a keyword or the name of the website, and the search engine will provide results. Some people might be looking for the official website of a producer instead. The goal is locating and visiting a specific website.
  • Informational. Here, the user will try to gather up information about a certain topic. A good content writer will target the audience with appropriate keywords and texts. The page must have information of value, so the users will continue visiting regularly.
  • Transactional. Here, the user is ready to do a purchase or at least read about relating procedures. A content writer and/or marketer must create search queries which lead potential users to the website. The content should be able to answer and meet the visitors’ wants and needs.

Keyword Research And Positioning Is Important

Buyer intent keywords are of vital importance in search engine optimization. A good marketer needs to identify the queries which are the likeliest to bring more leads and sales to your website. The first thing to think about is not what the users want to do. It is how to locate and bring the users in. Convincing them to click and visit isn’t a simple task. Combining good content marketing with search engine optimization is the key to future success.

Tips For Successful Content Marketing

  • Conduct research on your how well your industry is performing online and what the user intent generally is. Using keyword research tools such as SE Ranking would be of help. Check this blog for amazing ideas regarding Google Adwords keywords.
  • Typing the keywords in Google is important because it will help you evaluate the competition. You will see which competitors are taking up the highest positions.
  • Create a small spreadsheet and fill it with data from the first few websites. What do their pages look like? Are there blogs? Are the blogs ranking well? If you can understand the strategies of the top competitors, they will be of help to you as well.
  • Which user intent areas do these websites cover? Navigational, informational, commercial, or a combination? Whatever the intent may be, you must understand it before writing anything. Address a specific type of user intent. There is a difference between providing informative articles and advertising a product.
  • The last thing you should consider is how to meet and satisfy the visitors’ user intent? Focus on a content type such as weekly blogs, service pages, category pages, and more. Be informative, easy to understand, visually appealing, and with a clear, to the point message.

For other amazing digital marketing strategy tips, you could check our search engine marketing services.

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