3 Keys To Get Better Local Search Rankings.

3 Keys To Get Better Local Search Rankings.

If you offer a service a local market, then improving your visibility on local search rankings is a great way to generate more leads. According to the Pew Research Center, 9 in 10 smartphone owners use their phone to get directions, recommendations or other information related to their location.

General best practices for search engine optimization like setting up a mobile-friendly website, service providers can implement these and more. Local search strategies recommended by Ben Johnson, digital marketing manager at Heritage Anderson Digital Marketing.

Local SEO

Register your business with Google. Filling out your Google Business page is an easy way to boost your local search rankings, and there’s an option to list a service area instead of a storefront address.

Include your city in the page title of the main pages of your website along with your business name. “Page titles tell people and search engines what that page is about,” Johnson said. “Associating it with the city you do business in will help with local rankings.”

local search engine optimization

If you provide services to multiple cities, build a separate landing page for
each major city you serve. “The goal here is to have pages with content pertaining to those cities to help you show up when people in those areas are searching for the services you provide,” Johnson added.

To learn more about optimizing your business for local search, download our free guide “Local Search: The New Ways Customers Find Your Business.”


Contact us today if you have any questions. Feel free to visit our Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Java Logix is a leading web design company from Ottawa.

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